The Big Knit

The Big Knit is back!
The much-loved innocent Big Knit campaign is back for another yarn-spinning year, and in partnership with innocent drinks, we are calling on all knitters and crocheters in Oxfordshire to join the fun and help make a big difference to the lives of older people, while being part of this infamous campaign.
The Big Knit is back!
Since 2003, Age UK and innocent have teamed up to inspire the nation's crafters to knit little hats for innocent smoothie bottles. The campaign has raised an incredible £3.2 million for Age UK since it began. For every behatted smoothie sold, we receive 30p, helping to provide crucial support to older people both nationally and locally. The 2024-25 campaign aims to knit 1.4 million little hats, with the smoothies hitting shelves in October 2025.
So why not grab your knitting needles, start stitching, and make a real difference? The funds raised will help us continue to provide older people with vital information, advice, and friendship.
Crafters have until 1st July 2025 to send in their hats, so there's plenty of time to get involved.
There are exciting hat designs, including a cheeky monkey, fox cub, sheepish sheep and a unicorn, available to download now, but feel free to come up with designs of your own as we love seeing your creations! To view the patterns, please visit
Please drop off or post any completed hats to Age UK Oxfordshire, 9 Napier Court, Barton Lane, Abingdon, OX14 3YT. If you have any questions, please email or call 0345 450 1276.
Share your creations!
We love to see how your woolly creations are getting along so share them with us via our social media platforms. Likewise if you are part of any knitting groups why not try one of our patterns or create your own. We would love to hear your 'Big Knit' stories.
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