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Care Navigation and Social Prescribing

  • Location: Age UK Camden
  • Price: Free
Call 0800 193 6067 for more info

Age UK Camden
68 Parkway
United Kingdom

We are based at GP practices throughout the borough and help people access the most suitable support for their needs, through providing a free, impartial and confidential service to Camden residents who are 18+ and registered with a Camden GP.

The service consist of four linked services:

- Care Navigation
- Social Prescribing
- Community Links
- Wish Plus

Care Navigation

Care Navigators provide (up to) six weeks of personalised case management support for Camden residents who are aged 18+, are registered with a Camden GP, and living with one or more long term health conditions.

Our service users receive personalised support and assessment, often in their own home, from a named Care Navigator in order to help identifying needs and to support navigation through the local care systems.

The Care Navigators provide dedicated support for multi-disciplinary teams (practice, neighbourhood, frailty and high intensity users (HIU)), providing advice, information and co-ordination across clinicians and voluntary sector/community services.

Care Navigators can support with access to:
- Home adaptations
- Welfare rights and benefit advice
- Care package requests
Transport – taxi card, blue badge, hospital transport
- Becoming more social and active – finding local community groups and activities
- Counselling services
- Health services – district nurses, falls teams, mental health teams etc.
- As well as exploring ways to help people manage staying well, independent and safe in their homes.

Social Prescribing

Our social prescribing link workers provide person centered one-to-one support provided over the phone, face-to-face and in a group setting for those who would like to connect to the local community, improving their health and wellbeing. All clients would need to be over 18 and registered with a Camden GP in order to access this service. The team can support you with:
- Connecting to the community - activity classes, befriending, volunteering
- Making healthier life-style choices - diet, smoking & exercise
- Connecting to peer support groups - diabetes, long covid, heart failure

Community Links Health Advocates

The Community Links Health Advocates provide an outreach element to social prescribing, by providing sessions in GP practices and in other community settings, including, but not limited to, libraries, community centres and faith groups, speaking to service users directly and offering support with accessing community activity provision, support, information and advice.

The Community Links Health Advocates aims to improve the service user’s overall quality of life by supporting, signposting and connecting them with community groups and activities and events in their local area.


WISH Plus provides support and signposting to statutory, local authority and VCS organisations and makes referrals to agencies offering warmth, income, safety and health advice and information. Click here to make a referral for Wish PLUS:

What happens after I am referred to the Care Navigator

A Care Navigator will contact you within 3 working days to arrange a time and place to meet you. The Care Navigator can meet you at your GP practice, in your home or at a place that works for you best.

Referring someone else as a family member, friend or medical staff

To refer your family member, friend or your clients please use the form below. If you have any worries, please contact us on:
- 0800 193 6067

Referring yourself

You can be referred by your GP and clinical practice staff in your surgery. Please ask your practice staff or your GP to refer you to the service. Alternatively, you can self-refer by contacting us on:
- 0800 193 6067