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6 myths about claiming Attendance Allowance

Some people miss out on Attendance Allowance because they mistakenly believe they don’t qualify or are put off by the claims process. Do any of these apply to you?

1. ‘My claim was turned down’

Your circumstances may have changed since the last time you applied, especially if it was a while ago. If your care needs have increased, you may find you’re now eligible.

2. ‘My income’s too high’

Attendance Allowance is assessed purely on your disability or health condition and your care or supervision needs. It isn’t means-tested so it doesn’t matter what you earn or how much you have in savings.

3. ‘I can get by without it’

You've paid into the tax system all your life; now it's time to get something back. Think about what support or equipment might help you to carry on living independently at home for longer.

4. ‘I don’t want a carer coming in’

You don’t have to spend Attendance Allowance on a carer. Many older people spend it on other types of help in the home, or equipment to help them stay independent.

5. ‘I don’t have a carer’

You don’t need to have a carer or someone looking after you. You qualify based on the help you need, not the help you actually get.

6. ‘The claim form’s too long'

Ask your local Age Cymru if they can help you fill it in, or contact Age Cymru Advice for free on 08000 223 444.

What should I do next?

How to claim

Find out the steps you need to take to claim Attendance Allowance

For more information call Age Cymru Advice on 0300 303 44 98


Last updated: May 04 2023

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