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Age Cymru statement on the lack of care workers

Published on 04 July 2022 03:25 PM

It is hugely difficult for all those involved when the choice and control over these decisions are taken out their hands. We are not surprised that this family has had such difficulties in finding a suitable care package due to the lack of available carer workers.  Our recent survey of 1200 older people across Wales found that 70% of older people had a negative experience of accessing social care. Lack of carers was an issue frequently mentioned.

Specific cases include:  

  • staff shortages causing sporadic or reduced care at home with the support hours cut by more than half
  • reduced staffing levels resulting in a lack of person-centred care
  • limited staffing whereby care could only be provided at 7am, leaving the main family carer exhausted resulting in the cared for person moving into a care home

The lack of care workers across Wales is hugely concerning and having a negative impact on older people, carers, family, and wider support networks.  

The additional funding that Welsh Government has invested in social care recovery and moves towards achieving the Real Living Wage is very much welcomed by Age Cymru.  

However, we also know that recruiting and training staff at the scale needed across social care services will take time and that alongside wages, clear career paths need to be developed and the workforce need to feel valued by their employers and more widely recognised for the crucial support they provide.



Last updated: Jul 04 2022

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