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World Aids Day

Published on 01 December 2011 02:30 PM

Responding to a report by the Terence Higgins Trust that says older people in Wales are ignoring the risks of contracting HIV, Age Cymru's Healthy Ageing Manager Claire Bottomley comments:

"There are now nearly 100,000 people living with HIV in the UK and Age Cymru is very concerned by the Terrence Higgins Trust Cymru's claim that older people in Wales are overlooking the dangers of HIV.

"It is a worry that despite initiatives such as Sexual Health Week - which last year included a sexual health campaign aimed at over 50s, older people in Wales are seemingly not taking the threat of HIV infection seriously.

"More needs to be done to stop the spread of this virus.

"HIV does not discriminate and you are at risk no matter what your age or sexual orientation. 

"With patterns of relationships changing in our older population compared to previous generations, people are more likely to start new intimate relationships in later life after divorce or the death of a spouse or partner.

"This is why Age Cymru is today - World Aids Day, encouraging older people in Wales to think carefully about safe sex when dating or starting a new relationship and to seek advice and get tested if they think they may have a sexually transmitted infection."


Last updated: Jan 12 2018

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