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Hot weather spell - advice for older people

Published on 13 July 2022 03:25 PM

Age Cymru’s Victoria Lloyd says: “We all must be careful during extremely hot weather but especially older people whose ability to regulate their body temperature decreases with age. 

“However, by taking a few simple steps we can all enjoy the hot spell safely. One of the biggest factors is to keep hydrated by drinking cool water-based drinks throughout the day.  We should also eat lots of fruit, salads, and vegetables that are not only rich in vitamins, but they also contain additional fluid. 

“Older people’s skin thins as they age and is therefore more susceptible to sun burn so it’s important to use a high factor sunscreen and cover as much of the skin with cotton clothing when venturing outdoors. While we should all wear a hat and sunglasses for added protection. 

“But perhaps the best protection of all is to avoid going out during the hottest part of the day which is usually between 11am and 3pm.  You can also keep your home cooler by closing your curtains and blinds during the sunny hours and turning off any electrical appliances that are not being used as these can generate unnecessary heat – and reduce your energy costs at the same time. And don’t be afraid to take it easy during hottest part of the day and leave any strenuous chores for when it’s cooler.” 

“Finally, check that any medication you’re taking does not react to hot weather.  If in doubt, contact your GP or pharmacy for advice. 

“As with cold spells during the winter, we would urge everyone to check up on their older relatives, friends, and neighbours to see if you can help them with any errands or chores.” 

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Last updated: Aug 02 2022

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