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Winter Health Advice

Published on 02 November 2017 02:57 PM

Get ready for winter. There is lots of information to help you keep warm and well this winter. You can find information on the Redbridge Life website, or from Age UK's leaflet which you can download below.

Keeping warm through the winter can help prevent colds, flu, pneumonia, depression, heart attacks and stroke. Follow the tips in the guides below and if you start to feel unwell, seek help sooner rather than later.

The Met office has issued a cold weather alert from 23rd February and in London the weather will be very cold with possible heavy snow showers. During this cold spell, ensure you keep warm and well by following the advice below:

  • Keep moving - even if you are indoors it is important to move regularly as it generates heat and helps keep you warm. Try not to sit still for more than an hour. You can get up and walk around, make yourself a warm drink and spread chores throughout the day. If confined to a chair or bed try to move your your arms and legs, wiggle your toes or do some chair based exercise if you can.
  • Eat well having regular hot meals and drinks, remembering to include lots of fruit and vegetables to ensure you get plenty of nutrients and vitamins
  • Keep your main living area at around 70 degrees and the rest of your home at least 64 degrees. If you don't feel warm enough turn the heat up regardless of what the thermometer says
  • Close the curtains at dusk to help keep the heat in
  • Keep your bedroom window closed at night as breathing in cold air raises the risk of chest infections, and other illnesses
  • Ask for help from relatives, friends or neighbours if you find it difficult to get out and need shopping

Information on Redbridge Life

Keeping Well in winter

Download our leaflet 'Winter Wellness' for top tips on staying well this winter. Our Winter recipe booklet will give you some ideas for easy to make nourishing winter meals to warm you up!