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Tackling loneliness should be a public health priority

28 October 2015

Brian Sloan, Chief Executive of Age Scotland, commenting on the publication of the Scottish Parliament Equal Opportunities Committee's report on Age and Social Isolation today (i.e. Wednesday 28 October), said:
"Age Scotland believes that no-one should have no-one. Everyone needs social connections and company, and an absence of these can be devastating for our mental and physical wellbeing. There should be no stigma about it - feeling lonely is as natural a reaction to isolation as hunger is to lack of food or tiredness is to lack of sleep.
"Older people are often more vulnerable, especially those who live alone and find it difficult to get around. They can call Silver Line Scotland for free on 0800 4 70 80 90, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Family, friends and neighbours should take the initiative and reach out to those most at risk.
"But this welcome report, which follows what we think is the first parliamentary inquiry into loneliness anywhere in the world, highlights that we need a strategic approach and collective action too. Tackling loneliness should be a public health priority and we must devote the necessary attention and resources to dealing with it."


Our Chief Executive Brian Sloan commenting on the publication of the Scottish Parliament Equal Opportunities Committee's report on Age and Social Isolation today said: "Age Scotland believes that no-one should have no-one. Everyone needs social connections and company, and an absence of these can be devastating for our mental and physical wellbeing. There should be no stigma about it - feeling lonely is as natural a reaction to isolation as hunger is to lack of food or tiredness is to lack of sleep.

Older people are often more vulnerable, especially those who live alone and find it difficult to get around. They can call Silver Line Scotland for free on 0800 4 70 80 90, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Family, friends and neighbours should take the initiative and reach out to those most at risk.

But this welcome report, which follows what we think is the first parliamentary inquiry into loneliness anywhere in the world, highlights that we need a strategic approach and collective action too. Tackling loneliness should be a public health priority and we must devote the necessary attention and resources to dealing with it."