Hoarding Service
- Location: Age UK Teesside
- Price: Free
Please note, this service is not available outside Age UK Teesside - Head Office's catchment area.
Email: front.office@ageukteesside.org.uk
Telephone: 01642 805500
Website: https://www.ageuk.org.uk/teesside/our-services/
One to one support with hoarding in Middlesbrough.
Do you or anyone you know?
Have difficulty getting rid of items?
Have a large amount of clutter in the home that makes it difficult to use furniture or appliances or move around easily?
Often lose important items like money or bills in the clutter?
Feel overwhelmed by the volume of possessions that have “taken over” the house or workspace?
Find it difficult to stop taking free items, such as advertising flyers or sugar packets from restaurants?
Buy things because they are a “bargain” or to “stock up”?
Avoid inviting family or friends into the home due to shame or embarrassment?
Refuse to let people into the home to make repairs?
If you answered yes to 1 or more of the above questions, you may have hoarding disorder. Please contact 01642 805500
Middlesbrough Council’s Staying Put Agency works in partnership with provider Age UK Teesside who can support with:
• You will receive1-1 or group therapy around your emotional well-being
• Support to declutter your home and techniques to maintain
• Support to meet new people within AgeUK services
• Home organisation skills
• Peer support
• Wider holistic support
• We work with groups such as LGBTQ, BAME and many more.
The goal is to improve the person’s decision making and reduce the risk of fire within the community.
Support is available to anyone from the age of 18 and above who lives in Middlesbrough.
For information on how to apply please call 08005875184 to discuss or email stayingputagency@middlesbrough.gov.uk
For online applications/self-referral please go to Middlesbrough.gov.uk/spa