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Westminster support for older residents

Age UK Westminster has been awarded over £14,000 by the City of Westminster Charitable Trust to provide needy, older residents with help and support to counter the effects of the covid-19 lock down.

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Extra support for older people in Westminster

The Corona virus has meant that Age UK Westminster has had to expand its’ activities to provide more personal social contact and delivery services to needy older residents in Westminster than ever before.

We have over 400 known, isolated, older people who need support and the number is growing. An appeal for additional volunteers has resulted in us being able to double the usual number of these invaluable people.

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Major support for Corona challenge

Age UK Westminster looks after the welfare of some 4,500 older residents in this central London borough. Since the start of the Coronavirus, the demands on our services have massively increased but happily, we have been overwhelmed with offers of support from local residents, organisations and businesses.

The latest highlight is a further donation of £20,000 from The Howard de Walden Estate who have kindly provided us with financial support over the past five years.

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