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Our reading group is a great way for older people to get together and share their views on a variety of stories and poems.

Two men socialising at a reading group

Age UK Shropshire Telford & Wrekin's reading group meets regularly to bring older literature lovers together.

Online reading group

Make new friends in a small relaxed group on Zoom online. Our Reader Leader reads a short story or poem aloud then we stop and talk about what we have read. Group members might respond personally, sharing feelings, thoughts and memories suggested by the reading or they may want to just listen. Everyone experiences the text in their own way, but the literature provides a shared language that brings us together.

Shared reading group

Venue: The group meet online using 'Zoom'

When: Every Monday afternoon, 2.30pm

Cost: Free

Wellbeing services
Phone number: 01743 233 123

Please note: contact us in advance so that we can send you the Zoom link for the group.

Further information

Related pages on our website