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12 Days of Kindness Launch

Published on 29 November 2021 11:00 AM

Despite many of us getting together to make up for what we lost last Christmas it is still an uncertain and worrying time.

Being consciously kind not only lovely for the recipient, but it also boosts our mental health and wellbeing. The old saying that “kindness begets kindness” is true. One nice act may inspire others to do the same and with the current climate I think we deserve all the kindness we can get. 

Acts of kindness don’t have to be big gestures, in fact it is the regular smile at the bus stop, letter to a relative or shopping for a neighbour that can make all the difference. We have just the list you need to get you started. Join our 12 days of kindness incentive.

Do one, a handful or even all of these and be safe in the knowledge you have brightened someone’s day, week or possibly year as well as your own!