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Meet Vera, our new Virtual Assistant

Published on 09 August 2022 01:00 PM

Information at your fingertips...

We are excited to announce the arrival of our new team member Vera, our brand-new virtual assistant! Vera will be working around the clock through our website and will be on hand to answer any of your queries, 24/7.

Quick and easy to use, all you need to do is just type in your question about anything related to later life and Vera will help you to find the answer. She'll let you know what you can do, give you direct links to where you can find the information you need and, if it’s not something that Age UK Bath & North East Somerset can help with, she'll let you know who can.

Fully interactive, you can find out anything from how to claim your benefits, how to get legal help and advice, and what to do if you’re on your own to finding out what volunteer roles we have and how you can help fundraise for us. Ideal for clients, family members and healthcare professionals, Vera will get you the information you need quickly and make sure you’re taken to the right place.

"Vera is there to help anyone who wants a quick answer and by using her, you'll be helping us too! With our virtual assistant helping more basic questions, this gives more opportunity for our staff to support people not-online, or spend more time on calls with people who need more in-depth assistance."

Helpful and intuitive, Vera is constantly learning about what you need to know and, if you need to speak to one of team, she can tell you exactly who you need to talk to.

Accessing Vera couldn’t be easier – just click on our logo at the bottom right hand of the screen and start typing your question!