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A wide range of free useful information and advice is available from Age UK.

You can contact the Age UK National Advice Line:

0800 678 1602

Lines are open 365 days a year from 8 am to 7 pm. Age UK’s advice line is a free, confidential national phone service for older people, their families, friends, carers and professionals. Their team of expert advisers provide information and advice that covers every facet of later life, from helping people find out the benefits they are entitled to claim, to discussing options that help make later life at home more manageable.

You can also visit the national Age UK website here:

Age UK Staffordshire offers high demand services.

We continue to offer much needed and vital services for Staffordshire’s older residents, including Day Opportunities, Companionship and Help at Home and exercise classes and actvities. Find out more about our services.

Free booklets and online information