Online Support For You
We're the largest charity supporting older people across Staffordshire to live better, enjoy living in their community and love later life.
Take a look at these resources to help yourself or a loved one to live well and get support.
Where You Live - Who you pay your Council Tax to
Staffordshire County Council
Maintaining your home, healthy eating & drinking, managing finances, home safely, personal care needs, daily living equipment & technology, types of care & housing.
Staffordshire Connects
One-stop-shop directory featuring health and care services and events across Staffordshire, connecting you with help and support in your community.
Stoke on Trent City Council
Anxiety & mental health, loneliness, support for older people, , domestic & sexual abuse, support for carers, bereavement & loss, substance misuse, homelessness.
Stoke-on-Trent Community Directory
Things to do, health, wellbeing, care homes & supported accomodation, keeping safe, transport, help with caring for someone, benefits & housing, help at home.
Support & information
Cost of Living Support
Energy Bills Support, Cost of Living, Pensioner & Disability Payments, Winter Fuel & Cold Weather Payments and Warm Home Discount.
Energy Saving Tips
A round-up of some of the quickest, simplest and most effective things you can do to save energy around the house.
Energy Price Cap
The energy price cap, set by Ofgem, limits the maximum amount energy suppliers can charge you for each unit of energy you use.
Beat The Cold
Beat the Cold are a Staffordshire-based charity, whose aim is to reduce fuel poverty and cold-related ill health.
Staffordshire Warmer Homes Scheme
Helping to combat fuel poverty and help you to heat your home for less using greener and more energy efficient solutions.