No one should have no one to turn to
Age UK City of London is the charity for older people in the square mile.
We offer a wide range of health and wellbeing activities including health walks, cultural visits, coffee afternoons, film screenings, textile crafts, Tai Chi and more. We have a Bengali women's group on Mansell Street estate. We benefit from partnerships with a range of cultural institutions, enabling us to offer free visits to attractions such as Kew Gardens, London Zoo, the British Museum and the V&A. For those who find getting out and about more of a challenge, we have our Zoom yoga class on a Friday and a monthly online Art Discussion Group. If you need a little help with getting online our Digital Inclusion project can support you every step of the way.
Our focus is on enhancing wellbeing and building social connections so that people can enjoy growing older in this amazing city. Each year we help hundreds of City residents to maintain an active independent life, develop new friends and interests and make the most of living in the heart of London.
Regular weekly sessions are held in the Barbican and on Golden Lane, Middlesex Street and Mansell Street estates, plus other locations in and around the square mile. To find out more, check out our services and activities or email Alice on Alice.Westlake@ageukcityoflondon.org.uk
Published on 22 October 2024 02:16 PM
One of our members who attends Age UK Camden's Book Group was thrilled to be invited to celebrate 75 Years of the...
Published on 07 October 2024 02:24 PM
As part of Sustainable Fashion Week, members of our Knit and Natter group collaborated with Age UK Camden Charity...
Published on 05 July 2024 02:11 PM
On a rainy day in July, a large group of nearly 40 older residents braved the weather to visit the Kent lavender...