Sunderland Older People's Council
Here at Age UK Sunderland we recognise the importance of ensuring that older people get the opportunity to express their views and opinions on issues that affect their lives such as health, safety, security, housing, social care and support and transport.

We are always looking at ways to involve the older people of the City to ensure they have a voice and that they are involved in influencing outcomes and decision making.
Working in partnership with Sunderland City Council and other partners, we want our City to be:
- A place where people of all ages are able to take part in their community and city life and thrive.
- A City that is designed for diversity and is inclusive and cohesive.
- A City of choice for all generations.
Building on the success of our 50+ Forums project, Age UK Sunderland has formed an Older People’s Council. This will enable a platform to ensure that older people are still involved and have a voice regarding areas that affect them.
Over the years our statutory sector colleagues have valued the ability to consult with proactive older people to help gain views and shape service design.
The role of an Older People’s Council member would be to be available if there was a need for consultation on matters affecting older people across the city, a member would also receive a number of updates during the course of the year such as our volunteer newsletter and any other relevant news or information.
How to get involved
If you would like further information and the date of forthcoming meetings, please contact 0191 514 1131 or email
Sunderland Older People's Council Leaflet
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