Age UK Sunderland Front Door Keeping in Touch (KIT) Service

Loneliness and social isolation are a growing issue for older people and our KIT service is one of the most effective ways to stay connected.
Our Friendly Faces and Telephone Service has a team of dedicated volunteers who visit or provide calls for a friendly chat and catch up on a regular basis.
Friendly Faces
Our Friendly Faces home visiting service has volunteers who will make regular social visits. Our volunteers offer company to older people who live alone, are housebound, or simply have days when they don’t see anyone.
Telephone Service
Some older people prefer a regular telephone call to build a friendship. Our volunteers make regular telephone calls which alleviate loneliness and also provide a regular point of contact for the older person.
Our KIT service is available to anyone aged over 50 who is lonely or isolated and lives in Sunderland including the Washington or the Coalfield areas.
KIT Volunteers
Our volunteers tell us they get as much reward from delivering this service as the older person does from receiving it. If you can spare an hour or two each week your help could make all the difference and bring happiness to people’s lives.
If you would like to volunteer for our KIT service contact us on 0191 514 1131 or email us
For further information about the Keeping in Touch service please contact:
Keeping in Touch Coordinator
Age UK Sunderland
Bradbury Centre
Stockton Road
Telephone: 0191 5659045
Keeping in Touch Referral Form and Leaflet
Download information below