Let's change how we age
We’re determined to improve the experience of getting older in the UK, but we can't do without your support.
Latest edition in memory of our CEO Karen Perry, filled with information and recipes for the winter months,
The much-loved innocent Big Knit campaign is back for another yarn-spinning year, and Age UK Bedfordshire in partnership with innocent drinks is calling on all knitters and crocheters in Bedfordshire to join the fun and help make a big difference to the lives of older people, while being part of this infamous campaign.
Age UK Bedfordshire has been working with energy suppliers to save money for older people and to ensure your home is insulated and energy efficient.
We are deeply saddened to announce the passing of our esteemed Chief Executive Officer, Karen Perry after her 19 year long and courageous battle with cancer. She was the most amazing and incredible individual who touched the lives of everyone she met and thousands more she had not.
Click here to find out more.
Age UK Bedfordshire offers a free Information & Advice Service providing support with a wide variery of issues & form filling. Click here to find out more.
Age UK Bedfordshire offers a Handyperson Service, providing support with small DIY jobs around the home. Click here to find out more.
Our voice magazines are now available online