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Age UK Barnsley is a great place to work, and we're always looking for passionate individuals to join our team.

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Senior Project Officer, Barnsley Older People Physical Activity Alliance (BOPPAA)

You will work as a Senior Project Officer on the Barnsley Older People Physical Activity Alliance (BOPPAA) project.

Funded by Barnsley Council and led by Age UK Barnsley, the Barnsley Older People Physical Activity Alliance is an alliance of NHS, public, private and third sector (non-profit) organisations offering physical activity opportunities for over 50s in Barnsley.  The Alliance aims to increase provision of physical activity programmes that will improve strength and balance of older people (50+) across Barnsley.

Working as Senior Project Officer as part of Age UK Barnsley’s Barnsley Older People Physical Activity Alliance (BOPPAA) project team, you will help to co-ordinate and support the delivery of physical activity initiatives for older people.

> Find out more about this role

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