Hospital Care Navigators

- Location: East Kent Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
- Price: Free
East Kent Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Kent & Canterbury Hospital
Ethelbert Road
United Kingdom
Telephone: 01227 462368
The service offers advice and assistance to find the best way to help you after discharge from hospital - anything from falls prevention, finding care packages, looking at housing options or signposting for benefits advice.
Help for when you get out of hospital
Our team of care navigators work at the Kent & Canterbury hospital and help to remove the barriers to you getting back home.
It might be that you need a lifeline to keep you independent, help with finding a carer or cleaner, or perhaps you need a Benefits check to make sure you have enough money coming in. We are there to help.
Our aim
We aim to increase your independence to enable you go home, stay in your own home and avoid unnecessary hospital admissions.
Who we are
The hospital-based care navigators are an integrated part of the Rapid Discharge Team (RDT) within the Integrated Urgent Care, responsible for proactive management and co-ordination of patient admissions and discharge planning.