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Older woman playing with children in a park

Your In Memory donation

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Making a donation in memory of a loved one is a wonderful way to celebrate their life. It's a positive way to help make their memory last and to support Age UK's work to make life better for older people.

We are always particularly grateful for these donations – thank you for thinking of Age UK and for considering donating in such a special way.

Age UK needs your support to be there for those who need us most

Our vital telephone advice and friendship services provide a lifeline for thousands of older people, but we can’t continue to provide support without donations from people like you.

Phone icon Did you know?

225,000 older people often go a whole week without speaking to anyone. We cannot let older people suffer alone. Not this year. Not ever.


You are making a gift of £10

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Age UK provides a range of services and your gift will go wherever the need is greatest. Age UK is a registered charity, no 1128267. 

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