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An older woman looks out of her window

Thousands of older people are at risk

Will you help keep vulnerable older people safe and warm this winter?

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Locked down and lonely in the depths of winter, it’s no wonder so many older people are now saying ‘I don’t know how much longer I can cope.’

Right now, thousands are spending these cold dark days of winter alone, with only their worries for company. Winter is always a difficult time of year for older people. With a seemingly endless lockdown and the threat of coronavirus at its worst, this winter looks set to be the hardest ever.

Last year, there were 26,500 excess winter deaths in England

That’s the equivalent to 355 people a day dying during what is typically the coldest time of year

Over a million pensioners in the UK are living in severe poverty

84-year-old Bridgit is just one of hundreds of thousands of vulnerable older people trying to cope during the hardest winter in living memory.

Bridgit has always been an independent person but the coronavirus crisis has robbed her of her freedom, forcing her to spend day after day alone in her home.

"Now that I cannot go out, it’s really brought my spirits down. When will it end? This isn’t living."

Bridgit, 84

Beryl, 81, is also facing a long, lonely winter. She’s been on her own since the death of her husband just a few months shy of their 50th wedding anniversary. A year of isolation, anxiety and now months of cold and darkness have made Beryl’s loneliness even worse, leading her to ask herself ‘What is going to happen to me?’

By making a donation today you could help transform the lives of vulnerable older people like Beryl and Bridgit.

The Age UK Advice Line and Telephone Friendship Service are providing a lifeline for older people like Beryl and Bridgit this winter. Beryl has been receiving regular friendship calls from her telephone friend, Rebecca. Even on the bleakest days of the pandemic, these calls give older people comfort, reassurance and the strength to carry on.

We’ve answered more than 164,000 calls for help to our advice line since the start of the pandemic

We’ve supported more than 367,000 friendship calls to lonely older people

We sent out almost 17,000 Winter Wrapped Up guides last winter to help vulnerable older people to stay safe and well

In the depths of the hardest winter ever, you could make sure that older people have someone they can turn to – someone who will soothe their fears and give them support. Someone who cares. Thank you.

We’re here for you too

If you or someone you know needs support, Age UK is here for you. Call the Age UK Advice Line on 0800 169 6565, 8am to 7pm, every day of the year, or find information and advice on our website.

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Age UK provides a range of services and your gift will go wherever the need is greatest. 

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