Dementia Services
The Memory Loss Advice Service has two dementia advisers and an MCI (Mild Cognitive Impairment) Community Connector to support people with dementia and MCI and their family carers.
The service provides ongoing support from a named person and familiar face that people feel they can contact, enabling the person with a dementia or MCI to have a voice, and ensure a diagnosis of dementia or MCI means their needs are met and they can maintain a high quality of life.
We have explored different avenues for people to access us, including drop-in services, helpline, newsletter, twitter and memory awareness events, to reflect the diverse nature of dementia and those affected by it.
We work closely with other health and social care agencies within Trafford, including Trafford Memory Service, St Ann's Hospice, Trafford Council and Trafford Integrated Care Partnership.
Download the Dementia family/friends/carers guide
Download the Living Well with Dementia in Trafford guide
Download the Memory Loss Advice Service information
Download Information for people diagnosed with MCI in Greater Manchester
Find more resources on Dementia United website
Take a trip down memory lane
Examples of support provided include helping people complete attendance allowance forms, advising what to say to a GP when addressing symptom concerns, referral to and liaison with social services and care providers to enable access to care, advice and support around lasting power or attorney and advance care planning, equipment and community transport to improve quality of life, information events and social gatherings, and generally being a listening ear when needed.
In addition, we provide emotional support, information about different forms of dementia, MCI, symptoms, managing different situations, and how to enable the person with dementia or MCI to live as full a life as possible, to maintain their skills, family roles and social opportunities.
Dementia Does Not Discriminate from Alchemy Arts Limited on Vimeo.
Hub Meetings
We have two monthly hub meetings in Urmston and Hale for people with dementia and their carers:
Urmston Hub: 2nd Monday from 2pm to 4pm at Age UK Trafford, 1-3 Church Road, Urmston, M41 9EH
Hale Hub: 4th Thursday from 1.30pm to 3.30pm at All Saints Church, Hale Road, Hale Barns, Altrincham WA15 8SP
Attendees can meet others in a similar situation, share tips and experiences, listen to speakers on a range of relevant subjects, get advice and support from a Memory Loss Adviser, and provide mutual peer support which is invaluable.
Drop in Sessions
We have four monthly drop-in sessions from 10am – 12pm where you can receive confidential advice and support form a Memory Loss Adviser:
Stretford Drop-in: 1st Tuesday at Stretford Public Hall, Chester Road, Stretford, M32 0LG
Sale Drop-in: 1st Wednesday at Life Centre - Café Area, 235 Washway Road, Sale M33 4BP
Urmston Drop-in: 4th Friday at Age UK Trafford, 1-3 Church Road, Urmston, M41 9EH
There is no charge for the hubs or drop-in sessions, or any requirement to book a place. Covid-19 guidelines apply at each venue. Please contact our service for more information.
Our bi-monthly newsletter promotes upcoming events, news on dementia, tips and information that may be useful to all. We circulate to everyone presently on our database as it is a great way to share the benefits of peer support and to keep in touch with those who feel they are not ready to accept more direct contact just yet.
We also work in close collaboration with the Memory Service, in particular, if your needs change unexpectedly we can help you re-engage with the service so that you can receive the additional support your need.
When the time is right we also have a specialist day support service for people with dementia - please see our page on Day Support for further information.
Mild Cognitive Impairment
We provide a programme of support for people diagnosed with Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI). This includes a weekly support group called “Blossom Out” based at Age UK Trafford in Urmston:
“Blossom Out” Group: every Wednesday 1.00pm-2.30pm at Age UK Trafford, The Sharples Building, 1-3 Church Road, Urmston, M41 9EH
If you want more information about MCI please see the links to videos below which are on the NHS England Youtube site. There are two videos, one for professionals and the second one for members of the public. Both videos were made at Age UK Trafford and include Trafford patients with a diagnosis.
- Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) - A Guide for Professionals:
- Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) - A Guide for the Public:
Dementia Awareness Training
We offer free staff training for local businesses to gain a valuable insight into the many forms of dementia in order to better support their ageing customers as well as family and friends. Please watch the short film below for more information.
Dementia and Memory Loss Support
Download our free information leaflet about Dementia and Memory Loss Support
Dementia Awareness Training Video
Advance Care Planning
Sometimes it can be difficult to think about planning for our long term care and our death, but it can also be helpful for us to express our wishes and let our family know what we want to happen whilst we still have the capacity to make those choices ourselves. Age UK Trafford Memory Loss team can help you to make an Advance Care Plan. Contact us for more information.
For more information on any of the above contact our dementia advisers - Louise Taylor, Maureen Walton and for MCI Sarah Canale (or their admin. support Patrick Cunningham) - on 0161 746 3944.
or email: