Volunteer With Us

Volunteering with Age UK South Lakeland makes a huge difference for local older people. Most of our volunteers find it makes a huge difference for themselves as well.
Have you considered volunteering to help Age UK South Lakeland? Each year, our volunteers help thousands of older people retain their independence and exercise choice in their lives, whether through direct service delivery or raising necessary funds. Each volunteer is a vital part of our organisation, ensuring that Age UK South Lakeland runs smoothly and effectively.
The variety of volunteer roles available with Age UK South Lakeland is broad, and as new projects come to fruition, new opportunities will open up. Whatever the activity you have chosen to get involved in, remember that we’ll ensure that you have all necessary training, and the support you require to make your volunteering experience with Age UK South Lakeland an enjoyable and fulfilling one.
Why volunteer? Volunteering is a great way to meet new people, learn new skills, and support the work we do in the community.
Who can volunteer? Almost anyone can be a volunteer. We have a wide range of roles which suit different people and different skills.
- How much time do I need to give? It depends on the volunteer role you are interested in. Some people give an hour a week, while other people do more.
What volunteering roles are available?
- Activity Group Volunteers
- Gentle Excerise Class Leaders
- Lunch Club Coordinators
- Home Visiting Befrienders
- Telephone Befrienders
- Retail Volunteers
Volunteering Roles with Age UK South Lakeland
Activity Group Volunteers
Could you help us to provide our social engagement groups to older people in South Lakeland?
Befriending Volunteers
Could you visit or call a lonely older person? Help us fight loneliness in South Lakeland as a befriender.
Retail Volunteers
Have fun and help us to raise funds while volunteering in one of our local charity shops.
Click here to contact us about volunteering opportunities!
If you would like to volunteer with us, please fill in our contact form specifying which area of volunteering you are interested in.