Walking Football Programme

We’re thrilled to be launching the Age UK Walking Football Programme in Trafford, thanks to funding from Sport England on 15th February 2022. We welcome all older people but we are also particularly interested in older woman who want to try the programme. So if you are over 50 and interested get in touch.
Photos provided by the FA
Being active is good for physical and mental health whatever your age and it’s especially important as we get older.
It can improve confidence and wellbeing, help older people live independently for longer, and reduce isolation and loneliness. It’s been a difficult time for older people in our community during the pandemic, and our walking football programme will be a great opportunity for older people to feel active and socialise in a safe and fun environment.”
To sign up to Age UK Trafford’s #walkingfootball programme, or for more information, please contact Alison McKenna, Walking Football Project Coordinator on 07918577383 or e-mail alison.mckenna@ageuktrafford.org.uk
Age UK Trafford is also looking for volunteers to support with its walking football sessions. If you have any free time to help, then please get in touch.
Spaces on walking football can be booked direct via this link.
Please have a look at the video below which is another Age UK demonstrating their programme