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Safeguarding People at Risk Policy Statement

Age UK Gloucestershire (AUKG) is committed to the right of all adults and children to live in safety without fear of abuse, neglect or exploitation, and to have their dignity and preferences respected.

We work to promote the health, safety and wellbeing of all adults with whom we work and those of any children we may come into contact with.

AUKG Gloucestershire recognises that abuse can be perpetrated by anyone; employees, volunteers, other users of our services, families and members of the public.

We follow Gloucestershire Safeguarding Adults Board and Gloucestershire Safeguarding Children’s Partnership (GSCP) guidance to ensure that reported concerns and allegations are followed up in a professional, timely and respectful manner. We reflect the guidance published by the Charity Commission for England and Wales.

AUKG understands that safeguarding children and adults at risk is a shared responsibility with the need for effective joint working between agencies and professionals that have differing roles, responsibilities and expertise

To access our full Safeguarding People at RIsk policy please click here