Run Simon, run!

Published on 09 April 2024 08:10 AM
As someone who enjoys running and wants to keep fit, but can lapse from a regular routine, I thought it was important to give myself some added motivation to stay active. Committing to help Age UK Gloucestershire was a great added reason to keep going. Frampton 10K is a lovely event to take part in; it is a nice flat route, along quiet country lanes, in a beautiful part of the county. The event is managed very well, so there’s no danger of getting lost and there’s plenty of encouragement along the way.
I became aware of the terrific work that Age UK Gloucestershire do after my parents received some much-needed advice and support from them. They both commented that out of all the various agencies and groups that they have dealt with, Age UK Gloucestershire have always been the most consistently useful, and their help always relevant and easily accessible. In a society with an ever-aging population, and so many pressures on social and health care services, the work of Age UK Gloucestershire has never been more needed. Age UK Gloucestershire is a great one-stop shop for older people and those who care for them. The work the charity does in helping guide people through what can be a bewildering array of options and benefits available is an absolute lifeline for many.
I’m currently doing one or two runs of six to ten kilometres each week. I joined Stroud Athletic Club just over a year ago, as I needed some encouragement and a routine to get back into running regularly. I am very fortunate to live close to where the club start a lot of their weekday evening runs, which means I have time – just! – to get home from work and join them once or twice a week. There are plenty of hills in Stroud, so this is usually a good workout, and weather permitting, it usually affords the occasional great view too.
I can thoroughly recommend joining your local athletics club or similar if you want to start out running and keeping fit. They have various groups, depending on ability, from beginners to people who are training for various marathons and Iron Man competitions, though I am not training for one of those! The club is very friendly and encouraging and there is a great social side to their activities too.
I hope that by raising funds I will be helping Age UK Gloucestershire directly, and also by raising awareness of their work. I hope to encourage others to find out how the charity could help them or someone they know. I have used the Just Giving page set up by Age UK Gloucestershire to help coordinate my fund raising. It’s a great way to ensure any money raised goes to the right place, and saves the hassle of setting up a separate fundraising account myself.