Thrive Through Winter

Published on 28 October 2024 08:00 AM
New data from Age UK has revealed that 2.5 million older people on low incomes are set to lose their Winter Fuel Payment and will struggle without it so there has never been a more important time to prepare older people for winter! Here at Age UK Gloucestershire, we’ve put together some tips on how to stay well this winter.
Prepare for Winter
Utility contacts
Make a list of important numbers you may need if something goes wrong. These may include your electricity supplier, gas supplier, water supplier, plumber, local pharmacy, GP and the emergency services. Consider keeping a neighbour, friend or family member’s number handy, and don’t forget to note down our Help Team number – 01452 422 660 too!
Check everything is working
It’s a good idea to get your heating system serviced every year to ensure it’s running safely and efficiently. If you’re a tenant your landlord should do this every year.
- Check you know where your main stopcock is in case you need to turn your water off if the pipes become frozen.
- Check your smoke alarms are working and install carbon monoxide alarms in rooms where gas or solid-fuel burning appliances are used.
- Keep a torch handy in case there’s a power cut.
Eat well
Hot food and drinks help keep you warm so try and have one hot meal a day. Use any excuse for a cuppa! A hot drink before bed can help keep you warm.
- Keep to a balanced diet and aim to include a range of foods including 5 fruit and vegetables a day.
- Keep some extra food in the cupboard or freezer in case you are unable to get to the shops.
- Find out more about nutrition
Keep your jabs up to date
Ask your GP which vaccinations you are eligible for, and make sure you have these. Pre-order repeat prescriptions in plenty of time and keep some cold, flu and sore throat remedies at home.
Keep moving
Staying active is great for your wellbeing as it also generates heat to help you keep warm. When you’re indoors try and move every few hours or so.
We’re here to help
Your FREE Winter Wrapped-up Guide
From preparing your home for winter to information on getting the flu jab, the guide is packed with information on keeping well in the winter months. Request a copy to be posted to you by emailing or telephoning us on 01452 420900.
Read Online
Keep entertained!
Our winter Grapevine magazine packed full of advice and activities to keep you entertained through the winter months will be out in December so subscribe today petition.
Sign-up for Grapevine
Eligibility for benefits
If you’re aged 66 and over, check if you qualify for certain benefits using our Benefits Calculator. it will take around 10 minutes.
Benefits Calculator
Stay social
It’s proven that keeping social networks will reduce mortality (Public Health England). So try to keep in touch with your neighbours. Develop a social network around you throughout winter, and consider joining one of our social groups.
Join a Social Group
Go digital
Getting online opens the doors to a whole new world – information, online shopping, streaming platforms and social media to keep up with friends and family! If you need help getting online or with your technology, we have a fantastic team of Digital Volunteers waiting to help you.
Digital Support