Walking Groups

- Location: Age UK South Gloucestershire
- Price: Free
Please note, this service is not available outside Age UK South Gloucestershire - Head Office's catchment area.
Our new group walks are perfect for people who have not taken part in excercise for some time, are nervous about walking alone or don't yet feel ready to join a Walking Well programme
Walking Groups
Older people can experience barriers that prevent them from engaging in local activities and hinder them from keeping active. We are looking at reducing these barriers at Age UK South Gloucestershire through our walking project. Walking is a flexible and accessible way to reintroduce physical activity into everyday life, and it has amazing benefits for our physical health as well as our mental well-being. It’s also a great way to meet new people and make new friends
What does the Walking Project Offer?
We are setting up group walks across South Gloucestershire, which happen once a week, and are a great way to reintroduce regular physical activity into daily life.
Each walk is planned and led by our Walking Project Team and is created to meet the needs and abilities of those participating in the walk.
We often meet at a coffee shop during or after the walk for a well-earned drink, piece of cake and a chat.
For some of our participants, a group walk might not be suitable initially for a variety of reasons. Therefore, we are able to offer some 1 to 1 walks with a trained Age UK South Gloucestershire walk leader if this would be more appropriate.
Who is it for?
This project aims to support those who:
- Are over 50 (essential)
- Haven’t taken part in exercise for some time
- Have poor mobility or experience a physical limitation
- Are not confident in their walking abilities
- Do not like to walk alone
- Feel they are socially isolated or housebound
How do I get involved?
Complete a referral form (you can complete this yourself, or someone can complete it on your behalf) and send it back to the Walking Project team.
If you would like some more information, the Walking Project team can be contacted via walking@ageuksouthglos.org.uk or on 01454 411707 (Option5)