Reconnecting Cumbria

- Location: Age UK South Lakeland
- Price: Free
Telephone: 01539 728118
Working together with the other Age UKs in Cumbria, we are starting new social engagement projects and activity groups with funding from National Lottery.
Reconnecting Cumbria
When the pandemic began in early 2020, Age UK South Lakeland was forced to shut down all of our many Lunch Clubs, Exercise Classes, and other social activity groups for older people. Finally, after a long wait, we were able to begin the process of restarting many of these groups in late 2021, and we are very pleased to now have more than two-dozen groups up and running across South Lakeland. However, we want to go much, much further!
Reconnecting Cumbria is a new collaborative project between Age UK South Lakeland, Age UK Barrow & District, Age UK Carlisle & Eden, and Age UK West Cumbria. Together, we have received funding from the National Lottery Community Fund for a three-year project aimed at both restarting our old groups and founding new ones, to help isolated older people to re-engage in their local communities, all while promoting our charity mantra that "Working Together Works for Everyone"!
• In our first year, the four Age UKs in Cumbria aim to set up 60 new activity groups across Cumbria, with another 30 to follow in the project's second year!
• We are also planning to hold hundreds of group sessions throughout the year, as well as eight roadshows aimed at reaching Cumbria's most isolated communities.
As part of Reconnecting Cumbria, we are also looking to find dozens of new volunteers to help Age UK South Lakeland run social groups, help older people in their communities, and help expand our existing offerings of activity groups. If you or anyone you know would be interested in volunteering to join us in Reconnecting Cumbria - or if you would like to enquire about our social activity groups - please don't hesitate to give us a call on 01539 728118!