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What is yoga?

Yoga is an ancient form of exercise that focuses on strength, flexibility and breathing to boost physical and mental wellbeing. The main components of yoga are postures (a series of movements designed to increase strength and flexibility) and breathing.

What are the health benefits of yoga?

Yoga is a safe and effective way to increase physical activity – especially strength, flexibility and balance. There is some evidence that regular yoga practice may be beneficial for people with high blood pressure, heart disease, aches and pains – including lower back pain – depression and stress.

Balance and muscle-strengthening exercises such as yoga, tai chi, dance, and Pilates, are recommended to reduce the risk of falls, especially in older age.

Am I too old for yoga?

People often start yoga in their 70s, and many say they wish they had started sooner. Our classes are designed for older people starting out in yoga. 

About Melanie

Melanie's passion for yoga began in 2004 when she took a year out to go backpacking around the world. This journey was an awakening and led her to train as a yoga teacher.

She initially obtained her Teacher Training Diploma with the British Wheel of Yoga and has since gone on to train with many internationally respected yoga teachers.

Melanie strongly believes that yoga is for everyone.  Her yoga is all inclusive and her philosophy is to try and bring joy, serenity and improved health to everyone's life.

Melanie has run yoga classes for older people at the Jubilee Centre since 2013 and her enthusiasm has inspired many to take up yoga and enjoy the benefits.

Melanie’s website:

Our Classes 

Our yoga classes take place 

  • Monday morning: 09.45 am to 11.15 am - Cost £5.50
  • Monday evening: 06.00 pm to 07.30 pm - Cost: £7.00   

Please bring your own yoga mat. (Yoga mats may be purchased from Argos or Amazon).

Find out more 

To find out more about yoga, click on these links. 

The NHS guide to yoga :

British Heart Foundation Article on yoga :
