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The governance of Age UK Oxfordshire is the responsibity of the board of Trustee Directors and the management of the organisation is the responsibility of the Chief Executive and the senior team.

Together with our CEO and our strong management team, our trustees give their time and energy to make a difference to older people and carers in Oxfordshire. 

Meet our Trustees

Chair of Trustees - Andrew Lane

Andrew is a qualified pharmacist and led the National Pharmacy Association as its Chair through the pandemic and helped deliver the Covid vaccination programme through his work with Government and NHS England. He is active in a neighbouring Integrated Care System and brings a wealth of knowledge, strategic insight and governance to a care setting that he is familiar with.

Andrew is actively engaged in his local community and serves as a Parish Councillor. Prior to that he contributed to the local Neighbourhood Plan which was adopted by the District Council. 

He has had a successful career in Community Pharmacy owning and operating his company AlChem Pharmacy and brings compassionate leadership to both Age UK Oxfordshire and Action for Carers Oxfordshire.

Treasurer - Stephen Elliott

'Bio coming soon'

Andy Judt

Andy is Chief Operating Officer at economics consultancy, Oxera, and brings considerable experience in strategic planning, business transformation, change management and finance to the Age UK Oxfordshire Board. His career has focused on organisations that have a meaningful purpose and strong values, with a clear focus on building a diverse and inclusive culture.

Andy was previously a trustee for Age UK Enfield and has been involved in supporting other charities in a number of ways including providing business support and taking part in fundraising challenges. He is motivated to support Age UK Oxfordshire as he sees both the significant and huge opportunities to support older people in society. He has experience in supporting older relatives, as well as older people in his local community.

Darren Evans

As CEO of a tech-firm and Chairman and Trustee of local charity, Cholsey Volunteers, Darren brings a strong mix of business and non-profit experience to the Age UK Oxfordshire Board. He has expertise in innovation, people and project management and marketing, and has a collaborative approach to problem-solving.   He is committed to transparency, accountability and inclusivity and has a robust understanding of the challenges and opportunities facing charities. He is drawn to Age UK Oxfordshire’s commitment to improving the lives of older adults in the community and has lived experience of the organisation supporting his parents and neighbours.

Jane Marriott

Jane is an academic lawyer and brings relevant legal knowledge to the Age UK Oxfordshire Board. She has strong research interests in the prevention of elder abuse and the protection of the human rights and achievement of equality for older people. Jane is experienced in leadership (of both people and projects), and both enjoys and values collaboration and teamwork as a means of achieving goals.

She is motivated to have practical and strategic input into supporting people in living well in later life, having witnessed the experiences of close friends and relatives as they attempted to navigate their own later lives. She is passionate about being part of an organisation that places older people at the centre of its mission, and which values the retention of their independence but also recognises the need for support.

Jim Heywood

Jim Heywood - trustee.png

Jim became a trustee of Age UK Oxfordshire in early 2023. During a career in international financial services and after 20 years living overseas, he arrived in Oxford for a sabbatical in 1995, and stayed here. He has been a church warden and a trustee of several charities, including a national housing association and a local sheltered housing unit of the Abbeyfield group. Since 2021 he has been a director of a resident-owned co-operative property company with 40 flats for those over age 65, and also a trustee of Citizens Advice Oxford.

Jim brings general business and management knowledge and a strong desire to support staff and volunteers in their excellent work with older people.

Jodie Buckingham

Jodie has worked in several podiatry posts across the country following graduating from Durham School of Podiatric Medicine in 2009. She has been based in Oxfordshire for the past 8 years and currently works within Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust as the Lead Podiatrist. In her early work in Oxford she was part of the team leading improvements in the hospital setting for people with diabetes. More recently the theme of service and quality improvement has continued in her work both locally and nationally for people with diabetes and foot disease. This includes establishing a multidisciplinary foot service which has reduced the number of people needing admission to hospital due to foot disease and reducing numbers of amputations across the county.

Jodie became a trustee in 2020. She came to this via the Young Trustees Programme run by the Oxford Hub as she was looking for a way to use the skills she had developed in her NHS work in other organisations. Jodie is able to bring an understanding of Oxfordshire wide health care services and national footcare services to the board and also has experience of working alongside other national charitable organisations and regional Age UK services.

John Jackson


John has now spent 42 years working in local government. He trained as a public sector accountant and worked for a variety of authorities and in a variety of roles.  In 2003, John joined Oxfordshire County Council as Director for Resources.  At the end of 2006, he made an unusual move to become the Director for Adult Social Services which he did for 10 years.  John was the national lead for resources for the Association of Directors of Adult Social Services (ADASS) between 2009 and 2021.  In 2017 he started work with the Local Government Association providing advice on adult social care financial issues.

He is one of the newest Trustees, joining the Board in February this year.  He was impressed by Age UK Oxfordshire when he was the County’s Director of Adult Social Services. John wanted to contribute to help Age UK Oxfordshire continue to have a strong impact on the lives of older people and the contributions they can and do make. His positive impressions have been reinforced by the commitment of those working for the organisation and by the contributions of other board members.

John brings his national knowledge of adult social care in particular on financial matters but also on the strategic challenges that must be addressed.

Juliet Hunter

Juliet Hunter has almost 40 years of experience working across social care, housing, and community health. She has a particular interest in improving the support available to older people, and how to enable independence including amongst marginalised groups in our communities. She has worked for a variety of types of service provider organisations as well as providing consultancy for national and local government. After working at Oxford Brookes University to support academics to create societal impact through their research, particularly around the broad agenda of Healthy Ageing, she is now semi-retired and enjoying being able to combine a variety of consultancy projects with voluntary roles .

Juliet is delighted to become a Trustee of Age UK Oxfordshire and to use her knowledge and skills to support the fantastic work being carried out by staff and volunteers in our communities.

Kerry Rogers

Kerry has held Director level roles in the NHS prior to coming to Oxford Health NHSFT, most recently with Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust in the Midlands.

With over 20 years’ experience in business and finance in both public and private sectors, Kerry champions good governance and in her company secretary role provides the essential interface between our Board and all our stakeholders.

Prior to joining the NHS in 2005, her early public sector career was as an Inspector of Taxes. She then went on to be a finance director and company secretary in the private sector, contributing to the strategic direction and operational excellence of businesses.  She is a passionate team player with a strong value set that supports engagement of all staff groups. Kerry is proud to be a Trustee and is passionate about supporting developments in the quality and parity of care Age UK Oxfordshire aims to deliver all its users. 

Rachel Robson

Rachel is the Owner and Director of an HR consultancy and has a steadfast commitment to inclusivity and belonging. She has relevant experience in HR, Reward, pensions, and the development and implementation of robust governance frameworks. She brings commitment and empathy as well as lived experience to the Age UK Oxfordshire Board, having come up against the challenges that can be faced with social care and the healthcare system having cared for her mother over recent years

Tehmeena Ajmal 

Tehmeena has worked in the NHS since 1994 in a range of roles including operational management, service improvement, quality and governance, leadership development and equalities work in acute, community mental health, ambulance and commissioning services.  In the last year she led the local response to the covid pandemic and more recently the development of the mass vaccination centres in Oxfordshire, Berkshire West and Buckinghamshire.

As director of community services in Oxfordshire, Tehmeena developed a passion for improving services for older people, focusing on enabling independence and care close to home. She joined Age UK in November 2020, to support the organisations work with and for older people across Oxfordshire.

Tom Childs

Tom brings trustee experience, having held a trustee position at an Oxfordshire-based international NGO for eleven years. He is an experienced fundraiser, who has worked successfully in both the higher education and charity sectors for over twenty years. He offers significant expertise in fundraising strategy and communications to the Age UK Oxfordshire Board, along with experience of charity law and senior leadership.

Over recent years he has had to take on increased responsibilities for ageing parents and has seen first-hand the challenges that older people face. He connects with the charity’s ambitions on a personal level and is committed to supporting the charity to make a difference for older people.

Meet our Leadership Team


  • Paul Ringer, Chief Executive

Paul has lived in Oxfordshire for 30 years (in Chipping Norton, Oxford City, and now Bicester), is a registered social worker, and has held senior management positions in the charity sector for over a decade. His route into leadership was in roles responsible for the provision of high-quality regulated health and social care services alongside influencing/campaigning / profile-raising work. He has a particular interest in the power of federated charities (with a national brand and local service delivery), harnessing the value of volunteers alongside staff, and collaborating with other organisations for the common good.

  • Jay Elliott, Director of Finance and Resource

Jay started her career as a Chartered Accountant in financial audit in Oxford, working with a wide variety of clients from start-ups to listed. Following an MBA at Oxford Brookes she moved to the charity sector leading teams in both Finance and Operations.

  • James Voller, Director of Services

James was born in Oxfordshire and returned to live in the County after spending 15 years studying, living and working in Birmingham. He has spent his entire career in local voluntary sector organisations, mostly in senior positions responsible for the development and delivery of services allied to health and social care. His experience has given him a focus on the importance of self-determination and the role of the voluntary sector in removing the barriers that prevent individuals from making their own choices and having the freedom to live their best possible lives.

Charity Governance Code

Good governance in charities is fundamental to their success. It enables and supports a charity’s compliance with the law and relevant regulations. It also promotes a culture where everything works towards fulfilling the charity’s vision. Here at Age UK Oxfordshire we are committed to good governance and all that it entails. We take all reasonable steps to adhere to the Code and benchmark ourselves against it. If you are interested in finding out more please download the Code below.

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