Information and Advice

- Location: Age UK Croydon
- Price: Free
Please note, this service is not available outside Age UK Croydon - Head Office's catchment area.
Age UK Croydon
81 Brigstock Road
Thornton Heath
United Kingdom
Telephone: 02086 860066
The Information and Advice service is open to all adults over the age of 50 living in the London Borough of Croydon, including those with care and support needs, regardless of their health condition or disability, and their families, carers and professionals working with them.
How we can help
Our holistic information and advice service includes an initial needs assessment over the phone, via email, or in person at our Brigstock Road office.
We can help you to resolve enquiries involving:
• Information and signposting to local and national services and activities, including sending useful Age UK Information Guides and leaflets to you
• A referral to one or more Age UK Croydon services, including our specialist Advice service for one-off advice and casework
• A referral to another service
If your query is about one of the advice topics we can help with, listed below, we will offer you a referral to one of our specialist Advisers. They will contact you as soon as possible and will support you either over the phone or via a home visit, as appropriate.
Self Help Resources
To take immediate action for yourself and resolve your query more quickly, you can visit our Self-Help Resources page where you will find online tools to help with benefits and information on local organisations.
You will also find Age UK information Guides and Factsheets on a wide range of topics which may answer your question or provide the information you need.
Advice topics we can help with
Our trained Advisers can help you with the following topics:
Social care - finding a care home or getting some help at home, and how care is funded
Income - welfare benefits checks, Attendance Allowance, Council Tax Support, Housing Benefit and Pension Credit
Other money and consumer issues – including cost of living support, charity grants, banking, saving energy and protection from scams
Your home - information on housing options, staying safe and warm at home, home adaptations and preventing falls
Your health - including information on age-related health conditions and dealing with health services
Local services - information on services available in Croydon
Transport - help to apply for Oyster 60+, Taxi Cards, Freedom Passes and Blue Badges
Advice topics we cannot help with
We are currently unable to provide advice on the areas listed below, but we can signpost people to other services and organisations.
• Under pension-age benefits such as Universal Credit, Disability Living Allowance and PIP
• Financial advocacy
• Lasting Power of Attorney and wills form-filling
• Immigration
• Appeals and tribunals
• Debt management
• Housing application follow ups
You can also visit the Self-Help Resources page for information on where to go for support with these.