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Building Older People’s Influence in Hackney

Published on 06 November 2020 05:58 PM

The ` Building Older People’s Influence in Hackney` report has been issued.

Between April 2015 and Mar 2019, we were a strategic partner of the Connect Hackney programme.  The project aimed to support older people in Hackney to co-produce and test and learn from different approaches to two of the programme’s key outcomes.  This was firstly to embed a more positive view towards ageing and older people and secondly, to look at how to increase direct involvement of older people in shaping policy and holding key stakeholders to account. 

How the project evolved, what we learned on the way and our key findings and recommendations for how to reach older people and keep them involved in their community is outlined in our report ‘Building Older Peoples Influence in Hackney : Understanding influence, recognising leadership and sharing best practice.