Leave your Legacy

A gift to Age UK Lincoln & South Lincolnshire can pass the opportunity to live later life well to our local older community.
We think it's the greatest gift someone can give; protecting the future of others.
Your family, friends, and loved ones are important and we'd like to ask for you to consider leaving us a gift after you have looked after your loved ones.
What can you leave?
Residuary legacy
The whole (or a specific portion or percentage) of an estate left over after making other specified legacies (typically to benefit family members, friends, and other charitable causes). This type of legacy is the most valuable, as its value is unaffected by inflation.
Pecuniary legacy
The gift of a specific sum of money.
Specific legacy
The gift of a specific item that might be used by the charity, either in its original format (for example - fine art, collection items or rare books) or that could be sold and any proceeds used to support the charity (for example - property, land, shares, or financial products such as life insurances and pensions).
What information do you need?
The most important element to leaving a gift to Age UK Lincoln & South Lincolnshire is our name and charity number 1078539.
We're currently working on our legacy support packs, but for now we'd love to chat.
You can call 03455 546 144 or email legacy@ageuklsl.org.uk to ask as many questions as you wish and gain support.