Could you help us better represent local older people?

Published on 18 July 2024 10:04 AM
We are looking for Oxfordshire residents aged 60+ to take part in a photography session to help us better represent localolder people and the ways in which we provide support.
- Tuesday 17th September 2024 (2 hour slot between 10am - 4.30pm)
- Sandford-on-Thames Village Hall, OX4 4YN
- Participate in professional photographs with members of our team
- A fun and friendly environment, with hot/cold refreshments and cake!
- No experience necessary
What sort of photos will be taken?
We want to represent what our organisation does every day. This might include photos that show us supporting people at home, taking people shopping, helping people get online, running exercise classes, social groups and information fairs.
How will we use the photographs?
We might use the photographs in different ways.
- In printed materials e.g. leaflets, magazines, banners
- Online e.g. on our website or social media
We will use images for five years from the date that they are taken, unless we receive your permission to extend the use.
You can change your mind
You can change your mind at any time and we will stop using the photos. Do remember that even if we stop using your photos, other people may still be able to see them on the internet or in old publications and leaflets.
Are you interested?
If you would be happy to take part please email or call 07799 051 682 / 07827 235 405. Alternatively you can sign up online visiting here.