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Dementia support

  • Location: Age UK Oxfordshire
  • Price: Free
Call 01865 410 210 for more info

Age UK Oxfordshire
9 Napier Court
Barton Lane
OX14 3YT
United Kingdom

Our support service, Dementia Oxfordshire, provides specialist support and advice for people with dementia, their carers and families, from the point of diagnosis until end of life or a move to a care home.

What we do

We provide information and advice on all aspects of dementia and connect you to other local support services available in Oxfordshire and elsewhere.

Our team of expert Dementia Advisers provide a single point of contact to support people on their dementia journey, a friendly face when things are difficult, and a wealth of knowledge about dementia support services in Oxfordshire.

If you have been diagnosed with dementia or are a relative or carer of someone who has, we can provide you with support in relation to the following:
- Staying independent and adaptations for your home
- Benefits, support, and respite breaks for carers
- Planning for the future, financial and legal issues
- Finding additional resources, services, and activities through our support directory

Information about local events and activities

We host a wide variety of activities, support groups and services in Oxfordshire to support people with dementia, their carers, family and friends. These include memory cafes, community clubs, singing groups and telephone advice services.

To get a good idea of the types of activities we run, take a look at our events page.

In addition, our Support Directory provides further information about external events and contact details for any relevant organisations.

View the Support Directory.

Visit Dementia Oxfordshire's website.