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LGBTQ+ support

  • Location: Age UK Oxfordshire
  • Price: Costs may vary
Call 01235 849434 for more info

Age UK Oxfordshire
9 Napier Court
Barton Lane
OX14 3YT
United Kingdom

We offer groups for older people in the LGBTQ+ community across Oxfordshire, which offer the chance to meet others in a welcoming, relaxed and friendly environment.

Many people find that connecting with others can help them gain friendship and support. We run two 'Silver Pride' groups for older LGBTQ+ people in Oxfordshire.

Contact us using the details at the top of the page to find out more.

Guide to navigating later life

Most of the issues, advice and policies relating to later life apply to everyone equally, but there are some things that affect lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans (LGBTQ+) people differently. As an LGBTQ+ person, you have rights that are recognised by law. This guide will help you understand your rights and make sure they’re always respected. The laws affecting LGBTQ+ people have changed, mainly in a positive way. This is part of a wider shift in views and attitudes. But, unfortunately, prejudices do remain. This guide can help you navigate systems that can feel complicated or confusing. You might find that not all of the topics are relevant to your situation right now, but they could help you in the future.

Read the guide.

Later life for trans people

This factsheet provides information about later life for trans people. The main focus is on growing older for people who have transitioned and live permanently in their affirmed gender. It also provides information for people in later life who are thinking about gender reassignment. The factsheet covers a range of legal, financial and social care issues. It includes a guide to terminology and details of where to go for further information and support.

Trans issues and later life factsheet.