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Our community hub in Padwell Road offers a cooked lunch and a friendly, relaxing place to share your interests with others

About the Day Centre

At our community hub in Padwell Road, Age UK Southampton’s day centre* offers a cooked lunch, and a friendly, relaxing place to share your interests with others. Our varied programme includes photography, gardening, sewing, films, quizzes, cooking and so on along with gentle seated exercise, picnic outings and visits which will provide a change of scene, and guest entertainers who can lift the spirits.

We also offer a fully assisted bathing service with complimentary toiletries for which a charge is made, and we’re planning to set up a new foot care service.

Carers are welcome to stay a while for refreshments and a chat.


Find out more

You can get in touch with us using the contact information below, or feel free to pop in for a tea or coffee at Padwell Road.

Contact: Alison Rood, Manager, Age UK Southampton Padwell Road Day Centre, 11-21 Padwell Road, Southampton SO14 6QX.

Tel: 023 8022 7166 | mobile  07798517585
