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Our volunteers are simply the best

Published on 18 July 2018 09:52 AM

Anthea and Ron at volunteers party

Our 200 volunteers put in hundreds of hours of effort for us every week and simply saying thank you doesn't always feel like it's enough, so we really wanted to show our appreciation for all their time, dedication and hard work.

So, with thanks to our friends at Bath Preservation Trust, we put on a special party for them all at Beckford's Tower. Dr Amy Frost from the trust gave a talk about William Beckford and the history of the tower, followed by tours up the steps to the top.Volunteers party BeckfordsTowerThen the hilarious Noel Britton of Bizarre Bath fame had everyone in stitches with his routine. Everyone had a great time.

Chief executive Janet Dabbs said: "In the past twelve months the value of our volunteers' work is nearly £200,000 and we just couldn't provide the services that we do without them."Janet Dabbs CEO at Volunteers party