
We are constantly looking for people who are able to fundraise for us so that we can continue helping older people love later life. Fundraising doesn't mean just jumping out of a plane or doing a bucket collection, as there are so many different ways you can get involved.
If you would like to work with us then please get in touch: or call us on 01773 766 922.
Fundraising ideas
The fundraising team have put together a fundraising ideas A to Z which might inspire people to raise some funds for Age UK Derby and Derbyshire.
Thank you
There are several groups, organisations and companies who are incredibly generous towards and supportive of Age UK Derby and Derbyshire
Raffle Winners
See our list of winners from previous raffles.
Duck Race 2024
Our 32nd Annual Duck Race will be held on 1st January 2024
What else you can do to support us
Take part in a fundraiser
Could you help us to raise vital funds by taking part in a fundraising event? You can join an organised event or set up your own event, and then create your own fundriasing page online
Get your colleagues involved
Could you talk to your colleagues or your employer about how you can support us? We have lots of ideas for how organisations can get involved, including sponsoring an event, making us Charity of the Year, or donating equipment.