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There for you, when you need us.

Our Response Service can be used as an addition to our Telecare Lifeline Service

If your family and friends do not live close by, or you would like more confidence in remaining mobile in your home, a personal alarm may be just what you need. If you activate your personal alarm for help, our professionally trained Responders will be there for you, 24 hours a day.

How it works

Our team of Responders are available to respond to calls 24 hours a day, 365 days of the year and aim to arrive at a property within 2 hours of the alarm being activated for help.

The types of call that the team would respond to include non-medical emergencies such as non-injury falls or offering reassurance if a person is distressed.

As part of our non-injury falls our staff are trained to carry out an initial assessment, and if safe to do so are able to assist people up using a Mangar Elk lifting device. If the assessment indicated that medical attention was needed, then the Responder would contact the relevant service.

This professional service enables people to remain independent at home, whilst giving peace of mind to themselves or distanced family members that someone will respond to a lifeline activation when needed.

Contact us

If we can help, you can either call us on 03455 564144 or email us.