Warm & Wise

It's often the little things that add up to a big change. A free home energy check could be what you need to keep on top of those rising energy bills, stay cosy this winter, and help avoid fuel poverty.
Our new Warm and Wise project offers free impartial and confidential energy advice to anybody aged 50 or over living in Lincoln and South Lincolnshire.
How can we help?
We offer a free wrap-around information and advice service and can help with:
- Home Energy Assessment
- In-depth personalised energy advice
- Tariff switching advice
- Benefit checks
- Information on applying for a £150 Warm Home Discount
- Priority Services Registration
- Explaining smart meter benefits
- Help and advice with home improvement grants
- Practical tips and support to keep your home warm in winter
- Installation of free energy-saving devices such as draught excluders, timers, and LED light bulbs
How can I access this service?
You can get more information about the Warm and Wise project and how it can help you or someone you know by contacting us on:
Tel: 03455 564 144 (ext 1240)
Email: warmandwise@ageuklsl.org.uk
A member of our team will then be in contact to arrange a visit.
We are proud to be funded by the Energy Redress Scheme.
Could we help you?
Ask us a question about staying warm and saving money.