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Meeting the challenge of winter health pressures

Published on 05 March 2019 12:29 PM

In order to help pressure on the RUH during the winter months, we have been able to extend our Home from Hospital to operate 7 days a week until the end of March.  This means that more older people can be discharged when they’re ready to leave and don’t have to stay in for any longer than they need.

Our Team, Angela Tait and Tracy Scane, pictured, are based up at the RUH to be able to talk to patients when they’re on the ward and liaise with hospital staff. 

When a patient is ready to leave one of our community support workers will come and pick them up, take them home and make sure they’re settled in, check the heating’s working, do a quick tidy up and a shop if need, they will also prepare a meal if that’s needed too. 

We can visit for up to 6 weeks to make sure someone is properly settled back in at home and feels confident, as well as doing the shopping, cooking, visits to the GP, in fact almost anything that supports recovery and prevents a further admission, and what makes it better,the service is free.