Befriending Services

Please note we are unfortunately not currently taking referrals for our befriending service (telephone, face to face and intervention) and our waiting list is closed as we are at capacity. Our Befriending Café option is still available. Please head this page for more information.
We are currently looking for more volunteers to support this service. If you would like to volunteer for a few hours a week to help reduce social isolation in Bexley, please head to our volunteer page.
Our Befriending Service has three options to ensure we include as many people as possible in benefitting from our support and community activities.
How we can help
Our befriending service provides an older person with a link to the outside world and often acts as a gateway for other services and valuable support. It provides three tiers of support, which anyone using the service can move between as their needs change. We will speak to all new candidates for the service to identify which option would work best for them.
Click on the drop down boxes below for more information about each service.
Option One- One to One Befriending
Our long-term face to face service offers dedicated support in-person or on the phone to an individual who may be unable to leave home due to chronic illness or long-term disability. This is not a time limited service, and our volunteers will be on hand to maintain the relationship for as long as it is needed.
Option Two- Brief Intervention Support
Targeted at someone who can leave home but may have lost a little confidence in their ability to use transport, meet new people and are unsure about what opportunities are available locally. Our volunteers will provide a short period of support to rebuild that confidence, identify activities (both within Age UK Bexley and other providers) that a candidate can participate in. Once they have got used to going out, meeting new people, and have built a sustainable network our volunteers will withdraw to support someone else.
Option Three- Befriending Cafes
We have several pop-up cafes in different venues across the borough. These sessions are group activities, where you can expect to meet new people, drink tea, and play games. Each session is run by our welcoming team of volunteers. For more information, please click here to find out more about our Befriending Cafes.
How to access the service
Please register your interest by calling our main office on 0208 300 0883 or fill out our online form (On “Service Required”, please select “Befriending”).
Self Referral