PIC Good News Story: Mr. H

Published on 24 April 2024 02:00 PM
Meet Mr. H, a proud father, who received a heartwarming gift from his son living in the USA. They haven’t seen one another since 1997, so when his son made the thoughtful gesture of sending his trophies to Mr. H to show him his achievements Mr. H wanted to do something special.
Mr. H, an avid DIY enthusiast, has faced challenges in recent years due to health and mobility issues, limiting his ability to practice his DIY hobby. However, he found inspiration and purpose to create a shield to showcase his son's accomplishments.
After sharing his goal, the PIC Service reached out to the Surrey Wood Turner’s Association for assistance in bringing his vision to life. Martin, a member of the association, accepted the challenge and collaborated closely with Mr. H through the PIC Service to develop the design of the shield.
With resourcefulness, Martin secured a piece of wood that would have otherwise been discarded. Templates were exchanged, measurements were meticulously taken, and after much dedication, the finished shield was delivered – a testament to the power of collaboration and creativity.
The result of this endeavour is captured in the photograph – a display of craftsmanship and sentimentality. Mr. H's other son, who lives with him, made an artistic contribution into how the trophies would be best displayed.
The success of this project would not have been possible without the support and generosity of the Surrey Wood Turner’s Association, particularly Martin and his wife, Chris. Mr. H expressed his heartfelt gratitude, remarking, "It's exactly what I wanted." Their dedication and kindness have left a lasting impact on Mr. H and his family."