Information and Advice

- Location: Age UK Derby and Derbyshire
- Price: Free
Please note, this service is not available outside Age UK Derby & Derbyshire - Head Office's catchment area.
Age UK Derby and Derbyshire
29a Market Place
DE75 7EG
United Kingdom
Telephone: 01773 768240
Age UK Derby and Derbyshire offers a free, confidential and independent information and advice service to older people and their relatives, friends and carers.
Opening times 9.30am-2.30pm Monday-Friday (closed Wednesday)
"I was extremely grateful for the help we received from you, the person I spoke to was very helpful and listened to our problem. Thank you"
We can usually help directly but, if not, we can signpost you to someone who can.
Our information and advice can support you to make the best decision about the little things that can make a big difference and about major life changes. Our help can make the difference between living life and just managing.
What are the benefits?
- Older people and their carers can make more informed choices and achieve positive outcomes on a variety of issues affecting independence and wellbeing
- Older people feel empowered to use local services and support agencies now and in the future
- Reduced risk of crime, deception and elder abuse
- Increased income and older people able to enjoy a better standard of living including adequate heat, food, clothing and personal expenditure
- Older people feel supported and listened to and experience increased feelings of engagement, self-worth and care
Who is it for?
Older people in Derbyshire county and Derby City and carers calling from around the UK.
What is the Roadshow?
A touring information service visiting public events, groups, clubs and agencies in the county.
Call 01773 768 240 or visit the information roadshow page for further information. Or ask about the Information Roadshow visiting your group or club.