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LGBT friendly logoWe value diversity

We welcome service users, volunteers and staff from all ethnic and cultural backgrounds.

Values underpinning our work:

  • that older people are all individuals of equal worth irrespective of their gender, marital status, race, ethnic origin, colour, nationality, national origin, disability, sexual orientation, religion or age
  • that all older people should be treated with dignity and respect
  • that Age UK Exeter strives to combat discrimination in all forms.

Age UK Exeter aims to:

  • listen and respond to the wants and needs of all older people in Exeter
  • be aware of the diversity of our service users, staff and volunteers and seek ways to better reflect the full range of people in our local community
  • find ways of making Age UK Exeter a positive choice of contact for all older people in the city
  • engage with minority groups in the city to inform our own service development and that of others
  • work to ensure that older people from minority groups receive a positive and informed response from our staff, volunteers and service users
  • promote these values with other organisations with whom we work.

We welcome lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, trans-gender, intersex and questioning people and have links with the local Intercom Trust.

If you would like to discuss any of our services or see what we can offer, please contact us by telephoning 01392 202092.