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  • Location: Age UK
  • Price: Free
Call 01914 773559 for more info

Age UK
215 High Street
United Kingdom

In our fast-paced world, where screens dominate, there's nothing quite like the simple act of being a friend. Whether it's a friendly voice on the phone or a warm visit in person, befriending programs offer a lifeline of connection for those who may feel a bit left out.

Why Befriending Matters

Loneliness and feeling cut off from the world are real struggles for many individuals as they get older. They often miss out on social activities, which can lead to feeling lonely, down, and even less healthy. Age UK Gateshead's Befriending program is here to help.

Telephone Calls

Telephone befriending is an amazing way to connect with friends of all kinds. It's simple and effective:

Personal Connection: Through regular phone calls, you get to know each other, sharing stories, and forming a real bond.

Beating Loneliness: Loneliness can be a tough thing to tackle, but a friendly voice on the phone can make all the difference. It's like a virtual hug!

Empowerment: Talking to someone who cares can boost self-esteem and make friends feel valued and heard.

Hobbies and Interests: Sometimes, you discover shared hobbies or interests. It's a chance to explore new things together and bring some excitement to their day.

Face-to-Face Friendships

Face-to-face befriending is a special opportunity for those who are housebound:

In-Person Connection: Nothing beats the real thing – seeing smiles, sharing laughs, and even giving a comforting hug if needed.

Reducing Isolation: Being out and about with friends helps housebound individuals feel less cut off from the world.

Making Memories: Together, you can create lasting memories, whether it's cooking, gardening, or just enjoying a cup of tea.

Lend a Hand: Practical help isn't limited to phone calls. You can assist with chores, home maintenance, or even offer a ride to the doctor's office.
